Friday, October 5, 2007

I just don't get it. How can things get so horrible? life was pretty good and then he had to go off to Korea.... Jacob was 2 months old and I found some emails... fooling around in Korea... so damn pissed :( and then i got conformation that he had fooled around on me before... before I was pregnant with Katie. that hurt like nothing else. I was crushed. my son, 2 months old and I find all this out. I had 6 months of him not being there to figure things out. I decided I wasn't giving up on a 6 year marriage. we were finally past all this when I found out something... ugh... just a consequence, nothing huge. but it still opened old wounds. :( it made me look at whats going on now and mow my gut is saying that there is someone out there that has a major crush on him. I don't know about how he feels but i know that thats how things start... a crush. i am so scared that my marriage is going to end because he cant keep his pants zipped. I don't want to go to his command but I'm scared I might have to. :(

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