Thursday, April 3, 2008

just a vent... nothing personal

you know, there are days when I just don't know how I make it though. today is one of them. when your so called friends start un-inviting you to things.... wtf? on top of my wonderful (not quite) hubby has decided that I'm not good enough to sleep with anymore. One would think that after three months of being gone one would jump at the opportunity to make love to ones wife.. nope not my hubby.... he come home on tuesday and here it is thursday night/friday morning and nothing..... I'm not even sure he has even kissed me.... how sad is this? pretty sad I think. oh and then there is the thing were I found some condoms in his suit case when I was unpacking.... not the brightest one.... on top of everything... I found out that there are people in "swing" scene that have noticed that my wonderful hubby and his not so wonderful dance partner are to close. I for one happen to agree they are way to close..... not that i'm saying anything is going on but he dose have a tendency to fall for his dance partners..... (Danielle.... BITCH) ok.... I'm don't with that. ...... ugh. I'm not a very happy camper right now.......


Horsey Mama said...

I'm sorry hun. *hugs* Okay, so I deleted my original thoughts and am re-typing. Just know that "I" am one who will always be behind you...and always have, since 7th grade. *hugs*

The Military Wife said...

Hi, I came across your blog while looking for military wife blogs. How are you doing, since your last post was last year. I would like to know what you have been doing since your last heartbreaking post.