Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Every day is new and different with my son. The girls were never as daring. my lil man, born last August 8th weighing in at 11 pounds 1 ounce. so he started in this world as a lil monster. He started crawling at 5 1/2 months, started pulling up by 6 1/2 months. he is the sweetest lil boy though. But today he about gave me a heart attack. we were upstairs with Chris, he was in bed because he is doing a exercize at work so he is working nights, I had lil man on the bed while I got dreast. well... he decided he was going to try to go over the foot board on my bed head first! i caught him by his shorts! I saved him from hitting the ground head first by a hair! very scary! lil boys are very daring.... my girls never did anything like this. what am i gonna do about him?

1 comment:

Horsey Mama said...

I seems our boys are growing up faster than our girls. They're just growing up too fast!